Tristan Bray

The birth of Attunement Therapy is the culmination Tristan’s 13 years of exploring his own findings as a regression therapist specializing in trauma recovery. He has been utilizing many healing modalities and tools as he holds space for his clients to explore their evolution and healing process. In the past few years, he has also been offering more and more sessions for counselling and coaching with particular emphasis on sexuality, relationships and healthy lifestyle choices.

Tristan’s studies have been primarily in the areas of Psychotherapy, Meditation, Quantum Healing, Cell Biology, Epigenetics, Kinesiology, Psychopharmacology, Child Brain Development, Sexual Health, Diet, Detox, Philosophy, Metaphysics, Taoism, Shamanism, Entheogens, Chi Gung, Kung Fu and Modern Medical Science.

Now, Tristan only offers Attunement Therapy because it’s efficient healing capacity bypasses cumbersome talking therapies and regression therapies. This is because, it creates a unique situation where the unconscious of the client is put in control of the healing. Their body and mind automatically begin healing what issues require the most urgent attention. The body knows what it needs.

Lauren Cukierman

We would like to acknowledge Lauren Cukierman for her skills and vision for offering the first Attunement trials during the development of this physical therapy in Melbourne. Lauren has an extensive background in lifestyle coaching and counselling, yoga, meditation and singing teaching.

We would also like to acknowledge and give our most sincere gratitude to following teachers, doctors, researchers and visionaries. Without their research and writing, Attunement Therapy would not exist:

  • Dr. Gabor Mate – Child Brain Development, Addiction, Parenting and Holistic Health
  • Robin Grille – Child Brain Development
  • Dr. Peter Breggin – Psychiatry
  • Naomi Wolf – Sociology and Holistic Health
  • Alan Watts – Philosophy and Eastern Mysticism
  • Dr. Joe Dispenza – Epigenetics
  • Lujan Matus – Shamanism and Kung Fu
  • Dr. Rupert Sheldrake – Morphogenic Connection
  • Dr. David Hawkins – Kinesiology
  • Meryn G. Callander – Family Studies
  • Dan Schreiber – Neo Gnosticism
  • Dr. Bruce Lipton – Cell Biology & Epigenetics
  • Daniel Reid – Taoism and Oriental Holistic Health
  • Johan Hare – Sociology
  • Steve Richards – Australian Aboriginal Shamanism
  • Dr. Robert Lanza – Quantum Medicine & Biocentrism
  • Dr. Peter Levine – Trauma Recovery and Somatic Experiencing
  • David Wilcock – Life Sciences and Western Mysticism
  • Dr. Russel Targ – Extra Sensory Perception Research


The Attunement Therapy board of Ethics is available to hear any client’s feedback and any possible complaint that a client feel they need to express about their session. This board is made up of Certified Attunement Therapists from many different back-rounds and has been set up to protect the safety of all Attunement Therapy clients and the growth of this important modality.

We value your feed back as it will help the safe growth of this healing modality. Please feel free to contact any board member and they will distribute your message to the others for deliberation.

The Board’s Responsibility is to:

  • Be prepared to be contacted by clients who have complaints and be prepared to enter dialog with them.
  • Be prepared to mediate between a client and a therapist if necessary.
  • In regards to practitioner misconduct, be prepared to cast votes on whether or not to suspend or revoke their certification to offer Attunement Therapy.
  • In regards to the growth of Attunement Therapy, the Board might be called to make important decisions that will affect all Therapists as we move forward as a team both nationally and globally.

We are very grateful that this structure has taken shape to support the growth of Attunement Therapy into mainstream medicine, where it is needed most.

The Board

We are very proud to announce the first five members of the Attunement Therapy board of Ethics:

Tristan Bray

Tristan has designed and created Attunement Therapy and is now passing on this healing system to his students in Australia and New Zealand. Tristan hypothesized the scientific nature of Attunement Therapy and all of his ideas were confirmed through physical application with clients by himself and Lauren Michelle Cukierman in Melbourne.
Tristan has been a Regression Therapist for 13 years. He brings his in depth background in Psychotherapy, Meditation, Quantum Healing, Cell Biology, Epigenetics, Kinesiology, Psychopharmacology, Sexual Health, Diet, Detox, Philosophy, Metaphysics, Taoism, Shamanism, Entheogens, Chi Gung, Kung Fu and Modern Medical Science to the creation of this modality. Tristan offers Attunement Therapy in Byron Bay area, NSW and on his travels teaching this modality.

Rati R. Riccardi

Rati is a facilitator of healing and consciousness expanding experiences, offering a variety of modalities acquired through many years of deep enquiry into truth. Rati wisely interweaves different techniques together to create a comprehensive, unique approach tailored specifically for each client. Her deeply compassionate heart, soulful singing voice and loving presence offer a safe, solid container for lasting transformation. A musician and yoga teacher, Rati’s life is devoted to health and wellbeing in service to humanity. Rati Currently offers Attunement Therapy in Perth.

Pete Isaia

Pete has been a Registered Nurse and Qualified Counsellor for 30 years. Pete also
has a private practice in Life Coaching. He has spent vast amounts of time and resources travelling the world exploring healing modalities and personal development courses and trainings. Pete currently offers Attunement Therapy in Perth.

Lauren Michelle Cukierman

Lauren was the first person to give Attunement Therapy sessions and worked along side Tristan as he developed this unique modality–providing feedback from her clients, which validated Tristan’s research and helped shape Attunement Therapy into what it is today.
Lauren has been a life coach, yoga and singing teacher in Melbourne for the past several years. Lauren’s natural charisma and intuition allowed her gain instant and incredible results which helped formulate the practical structure of Attunement Therapy. Lauren currently offers Attunement Therapy in Elwood, Melbourne.

Karen Kahlimna Bradley

Karen is well known as an Intuitive Reader, Liquid Crystal Masseur & Healer, Workshop Presenter and Coach. With a background in Clinical Hypnosis and Counselling, her gift is in her ability to communicate the wisdom that flows through her, in a clear and loving way.
Karen currently offers Attunement Therapy in Brunswick Heads, NSW